Institutional Membership
AAMI Institutional Membership is for healthcare delivery organizations, professional societies, colleges, universities and technical schools.


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Take advantage of discounts on advertising, exhibiting opportunities, eSubscriptions, publications, public and custom enterprise training, job postings, and much more!

HTM Resources

Professional Development
Develop your leadership skills by serving on one of AAMI’s many boards, committees, and councils. Enjoy your member discount on training courses, and consider a private, customized course delivered in-house, in-person or virtually to your company. Write articles, present a workshop, serve on a panel—the possibilities are endless!

Connect and Network
Be a part of the conversation with online access to AAMI Connect, a members-only discussion platform covering hundreds of topics, and network with the global health technology community at any one of AAMI’s conferences and events.

Be in the Know
Enjoy online access to AAMI News, streaming the most important news in health technology; BI&T, our peer reviewed journal covering trends, technical advances, and industry developments; as well as topical e-newsletters and special editions.

Drive Standards Development
Have a voice and a vote at the standards table by participating in 230+ committees and working groups to develop national and international standards alongside regulators, government agencies, and other leading companies in the industry.