AAMI BMET Apprenticeship
The BMET Apprenticeship is a two-year hybrid program that combines education and up to 6000 hours of paid, on-the-job, competency-based learning.

Because of the shortage of qualified healthcare technology management (HTM) professionals in the hiring pool, some hospitals and other employers are training their own biomedical equipment technicians (BMETs) from the ground up with no formalized way to ensure these BMETs are trained consistently or to a minimum standard. This apprenticeship program will bring structure to that process and contribute to a solution for bridging the current skill gap in the field for entry-level employees. The intent is that the availability of a formalized BMET apprenticeship that offers formalized training in a real work environment will attract new professionals to the field.
Upon completion of the apprenticeship, apprentices receive a nationally recognized certificate, jointly issued by AAMI and the U.S. Department of Labor, signifying that the apprentice was trained to AAMI's recommended minimum competencies and standards.



BMET Apprentices benefit from learning under the instruction of an experienced HTM mentor.


BMET Apprenticeship Employer Partners